Setup ESP32 JTAG-Debugging on PlatformIO with a J-Link debug probe

1 minute read

Following the instructions of the PlatformIO documentation (Get started with Arduino and ESP32-DevKitC: debugging and unit testing and J-LINK), I tried to setup my development environment.

Here is how I got it up and running:

  1. Download and install the J-Link software and documentation pack.
  2. Download and install the Zadig tool to modify the USB driver of the J-Link (thanks manuelbl).
    1. Run Zadig.exe
    2. Options > List all devices
    3. Select BULK interface (Interface 2)
    4. Change Driver from jlink to WinUSB > Replace DriverZadig Interface driver!
  3. Setup a new PlatformIO project in VS Code according to the docs.
  4. Modify the platformio.ini:
     platform = espressif32
     board = esp32dev
     framework = arduino
     debug_tool = jlink
     upload_protocol = jlink

    The upload_protocol is important, it must be “jlink” not “jlink-jtag” as stated in the docs (thanks lumax).

  5. Start debugging by pressing F5 and have fun debugging your Arduino ESP32 project via JTAG.



Replace the jlink USB-Driver with WinUSB (see step 2 above).

“Error: JTAG scan chain interrogation failed: …”

Double check your wiring, seriously!!!

It should be like this:

J-Link ESP32 Description
1 VCC (3v3)  
4 GND  
5 TDI (D12) Test Data In
7 TMS (D14) Test Mode State
9 TCK (D13) JTAG Return Test Clock
13 TDO (D15) Test Data Out
15 RESET (EN) (active low) reset input of the target

F5 -> Could not find the specified task.

If you go to the Debug view, there is a green arrow at the top left of the window, labelled RUN AND DEBUG. Next to it, there is a combo box. The combo box should say PIO Debug (your project name).

Thanks manuelbl!